leaveten's Diaryland Diary


15 people

I found this on myspace& wanted to do it but blah people would see and assume and what not.

All you have to do here is write 15 statements about 15 people. Just make sure you don't tell anyone who belongs to which statement at the risk of ruining the fun.

1. i love you.
2. me&you?
3. drop dead.
4. lolololololol. thats sad.
5. i miss you.
6. thank you.
7. you might understand.
8. more than anything honey, vartan girls.
9. absolutely special<3
10.hahaha fuck you not worth it
11. the best.
12. my mentor
13. doesnt get it. hope.
14. poor misunderstood.. asshole?
thats all ive got.

8:05 pm - 03-13-07


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